
We want music to be an integral part of the school life at West Earlham Junior because music gives children the opportunity to be creative and expressive.  We want our students to experience listening to and playing a wide range of genres and instruments, as well as singing in different groups and performing to audiences.

We will do this through;

  • Weekly music lessons taught by a specialist music teacher,
  • Having regular opportunities to sing and perform in different sized groups,
  • Teaching the children to play different instruments such as ukulele and keyboards,
  • Teaching samba and other rhythmic skills and patterns taught by a specialist samba instructor,
  • Teaching basic musical notation so our students can recognise rhythms and notes on a stave,
  • Teaching children to compose music using technology and physical instruments,
  • Students listening to a range of music from other cultures and parts of the world.

By the end of Key Stage Two we want our students to;

  • Identify different genres of music,
  • Know and play three chords on a ukulele with a strumming pattern,
  • Sing with confidence,
  • Know different rhythms and be able to recognise basic rhythmic musical notation,
  • Be able to compose using pitch rhythm and tempo,
  • Identify different instruments by listening to them.

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West Earlham Junior School
Scarnell Road, Norwich NR5 8HT

Telephone: 01603 454569

Headteacher: Mrs Catrin Eyers
School Business Manager: Mrs Beverley Savage