Teaching Team
"Pupils are polite and thoughtful, they discuss their learning confidently and say that their teachers inspire them to do well."
OfSTED September 2019
Our Staff
At West Earlham Junior we work in different teams to provide the support our children need to thrive.
Head Teacher
Catrin Eyers
Assistant Head
Zoe Fereday
Curriculum and Engagement
Assistant Head
Alice Blincow (DSL)
Safeguarding, Behaviour and Attendance
Tim Wilcher (DSL)
These key members of staff lead the school teams. Together with our Behaviour Supervisor and Family Support Worker they are the main points of contact for families.
Behaviour Supervisor
Di Burroughs
Family Support Worker
Bronwyn Miller
The Safeguarding Team
All members of the safeguarding team are trained Designated Safeguarding Leads. The school lead DSL is Catrin Eyers.
Our Year Group Learning Teams
Year Three
Class Teacher
Tom Miller
Class Teacher
Nikki Smith
Supported by
Debbie Salter
Liz Holmes
Shirley King
The Hive
Class Teacher
Lydia Eade
Supported by
Aaron Bradford
Angelina Woodall
Year Four
Class Teacher
Georgina Manly
Class Teacher
Catherine Surridge
Supported by
Ange Woodall
Michelle Goldspink
Year Five
Class Teacher
Miranda Ellis-Marchant
Class Teacher
Ling Middleton
Class Teacher
Vera Abbott
Supported by
Nikki Lillie
Amina Bounab
Year Six
Class Teacher
Charlotte Daynes
Class Teacher
Josh Edge
Supported by
Jade Branigan
Rachael Smith