School Uniform
We have high expectations of our students when it comes to their personal appearance and I’m pleased to say that the vast majority are very smartly dressed and wear their uniform with pride.
Please find details below:
- Jumpers and cardigans should be navy and not black
- Leggings may be worn under skirts, not instead of trousers
- Socks and tights should be plain
- No hoodies
- Jogging bottoms are part of the PE kit only
- No logos of any kind except the school logo.
You can find the full uniform list on the back of this letter with some examples. Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Eyers
Uniform requirements
- Black trousers or knee length skirt (not leggings)
- Navy sweatshirt or cardigan
- White or navy polo shirt
- Black, navy or white socks or tights
- Plain black sensible shoes or trainers (no coloured logos or laces)
For summer: Optional blue and white striped/checked summer dress or black shorts
PE kit :
- Plain white t-shirt
- Plain black or navy shorts – no logos other than school logo
- Black or navy plain tracksuit/joggers for cool weather and school jumper
- Sensible trainers or plimsolls
For Swimming
- Trunks for boys (no shorts or shorts type trunks)
- Swimming costume for girls
- Towel
- Swimming hat