
At West Earlham Junior School our goal is for students to find mathematics a positive, purposeful, creative and enjoyable experience. We believe that mathematics should equip children with the ability to understand, reason and problem solve as well as develop an ability to make connections, think logically, work systematically, communicate with and prove ideas to others in a variety of ways.

We want every child to leave Key Stage Two with the mathematical tools to understand the world around them.

We will do this through:

  • Using the White Rose scheme of learning, which is based on the National Curriculum alongside NCETM and N-rich resources,
  • Using the ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’ approach throughout Key Stage Two so that all children can use clear models and images to aid their understanding and communication methods,
  • Using a consistent methodology, pedagogy and vocabulary across KS2 building upon the learning and systems from KS1,
  • Practising arithmetic and mathematical skills daily to ensure key concepts are embedded and cross curricular links are made so that children gain experience of using maths in real-life situations,
  • Developing Metacognitive skills through John Mason’s Super Powers:

(Imagine and express/ Convince and conjecture/ Generalise and specify/ Organise and classify)

  • Embedding Rosenshine’s Principle of Instruction into our daily teaching (Maths Flash Four/ Maths Meetings)
  • The ‘I Do, We do, You do’ principle to model and embed reasoning and using and applying in all lessons.
  • Regular feedback in lessons acknowledging and addressing misconceptions and ‘live marking’,
  • Promoting mathematical discussion through a positive ‘talking classroom’ climate,
  • Adults using questions and phrases such as ‘What do you notice? Convince Me’’ to extend thinking and progress learning,
  • Supporting children to think mathematically when learning and thinking about their times tables,
  • Posing weekly problems that are open ended and provide appropriate challenges whilst remaining accessible to all,
  • Using the ‘Ready to Progress’ criteria to track the students mathematical understanding to plan for targeted support in class,
  • Engaging with parents either online, via the school website or through Maths Cafes.

By the end of Key Stage Two we want our students to;

  • Make connections between what they know, and understand and use these skills to tackle problems methodically with resilience and confidence.
  • Discuss their own reasoning using mathematical vocabulary and prove their ideas to others,
  • Visualise mathematical representation and show this using formal or non-formal written methods,
  • Have a secure understanding of number and proportionality and be able to apply their knowledge in real world contexts,
  • Have a positive relationship with mathematics and be curious to find out more,
  • Have fundamental mathematical knowledge and skills to support them to access the world around them.

Maths Curriculum


One Minute Maths

White Rose is the maths scheme we use at school.

They have an absolutely FREE app that you can download on your phone with fun number tasks to help children gain confidence with maths.

Find Out More Here:

Check out these 7 top reasons for using 1-minute maths!

  1. Excellent practice – and no distractions.
  2. A clear, intuitive process that children pick up straight away.
  3. No login or internet access needed. Just download and play.
  4. Enjoyable and motivating… How many can they get correct in one minute?
  5. Helpful hints match those used in class.
  6. Brilliant for building number fluency and confidence.
  7. It’s FREE!

Find it on the App Store, Google Play or the Amazon Store

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West Earlham Junior School
Scarnell Road, Norwich NR5 8HT

Telephone: 01603 454569

Headteacher: Mrs Catrin Eyers
School Business Manager: Mrs Beverley Savage