Year 4 Home Learning Activities

Why Do We Value Home Learning?

We know that children first learn in the family, and we want our children to be able to share the learning they do in school as widely as possible with their families.

Having a range of activities gives our students the opportunity to research aspects of their learning in more depth or show what they have learned in school in a different context.

We actively encourage parents and carers (and anyone else in the family!)  to work together with the children to complete a task. Just having the time to do something together is a fantastic opportunity for learning.

When children bring their models, cakes and stories into school they have the chance to share them with the class and talk about how they made them. We display their wonderful creations in school and love seeing how proud the children are of their achievements!

The leaflets below have home learning ideas for each of our inquiries. If you do some other home learning we would love to hear about that too!

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

West Earlham Junior School
Scarnell Road, Norwich NR5 8HT

Telephone: 01603 454569

Headteacher: Mrs Catrin Eyers
School Business Manager: Mrs Beverley Savage