Free School Meals

"Pupils are polite and thoughtful, they discuss their learning confidently and say that their teachers inspire them to do well."

OfSTED September 2019

Applying for Free School Meals

Due to high demand, applications for FSM eligibility can only be made online currently, using this link:

  • In the green section, "Parents and Carers" click on "Apply for free school meals."
  • Use "Click here" to create or sign in to a Norfolk Education Online account (some people may already have one if they used the system to apply for junior or high school places).
  • Complete your details and click on "Create."
  • An email will be sent to the you.  Click on the link in email then sign in and follow the links to complete the registration for free school meals.
  • You will need to enter the details of the children you are applying for and national insurance numbers.
  • Submit the registration.
  • You will get the result shown on the screen immediately after. If you are eligible, you will also get an email confirming this. If you are not eligible, you will not receive anything.
Receiving Vouchers

West Earlham Junior School
Scarnell Road, Norwich NR5 8HT

Telephone: 01603 454569

Headteacher: Mrs Catrin Eyers
School Business Manager: Mrs Beverley Savage